Ordering FAQs

Ordering FAQs

Q: How do I place an order?

A: Browse through our category pages to select an item you wish to view detailed information on. Once you click on the item, you will be taken to the product page where you will find all relevant information pertaining to that product. When you are ready, select a quantity and colour and click on the "Add To Cart" button. This will take you to your Shopping Cart page. Should you wish to add more items to your bag, just click the CONTINUE SHOPPING button.

To see what you have in Your Cart, click on the Shopping cart icon on the top right corner of the page. When you are ready to checkout click the Secure Checkout button underneath your product information and follow the prompts.

Q: How do I cancel an order?

A: When your order is placed, you will have a 2 hour timeframe to cancel your order simply by emailing us your order cancellation request.

After the 2 hour timeframe (of your order was placed), your order cancellation will not be possible, due to we process orders as soon as it’s placed.

If you would like to cancel your order you can post the order back to us for a refund.

Q: How do I know what size to choose?

A: Check out our Size Guide – there are links in every product page (blue link that say Size Guide) and there is a Size Guide link on the bottom of every page.

Q: How do I remove an item from my shopping cart?

A: Click on the Shopping bag icon on the top right corner of the page. Once you are in Your Shopping cart page, find the item you want to remove and click the “Remove” icon on the right handside of the product total price.

Q: How do I pay for my order?

A: When you have items in your shopping cart and you would like to checkout, click on the Shopping bag icon on the top right corner of the page, and click the “Proceed To Checkout” button, this will bring you to our one page sample Checkout page.

Q: What payment methods can I use?

A:ShoeSent.com online shopping site accepts all major credit cards, VisaCard, MasterCard, Maestro cards credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Bank deposit..


We process all credit cards payments in real-time by using secure 256Bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) secure server and secure payment gateway.

Payment by credit card is the easiest and most efficient method of shopping at ShoeSent.com

Q: On the Checkout page its asking for my credit card security code, where can I find this?

A: The credit card security code is the last three digits above signature strip on the reverse of your Credit or Debit card (or the front of American Express cards).

Q: I have a Promotion Code / coupon code, how do I use it?

A: If you have a promotional code / coupon code, to use it, just enter the code and apply at the Checkout page, after you enter your details and click submit, it will automatically calculate the discount for you.

Q: Can I use Gift Card on your online store?

A: Yes, if you have received one from your friends or purchased gift certificate from our store,  on the top of every page, you can find the link Gift Certificate, where you can purchase, redeem, and check balance of your gift card / certificate.

Q: Will I receive a confirmation email once I have placed my order online?

A: Yes you will receive a confirmation email of your order details once you have placed your order.
Please be sure to enter your email address correctly to ensure that you receive your order confirmation. You will also receive an email once your order has been dispatched.